Objective of Organization

All too often people in this country feel that if you put in and contribute, you get less than your fair share. We all support a welfare state, but it has to ensure that those who look after themselves and families are rewarded not penalised, and this is at the heart of our welfare work.



Data-Driven Analysis

To employ participatory research methodologies that involve communities in the collection and analysis of data relevant to their political and policy landscape. - To develop localized data sets that reflect the unique characteristics and concerns of different communities.

Policy Briefs and Recommendations

To produce policy briefs that not only highlight key findings but also provide actionable recommendations tailored to the specific needs of communities. - To establish feedback mechanisms that allow communities to contribute their perspectives to policy recommendations.

Capacity Building

To provide training programs and workshops at the community level, building the capacity of local leaders and activists in political and policy analysis. - To facilitate knowledge-sharing networks that connect communities facing similar challenges and enable them to learn from each other's experiences.

Collaborative Partnerships

To establish partnerships with local NGOs, community-based organizations, and grassroots movements for collaborative field-level research projects. - To actively involve communities in the design and implementation of research initiatives, ensuring their voices are central to the process.

Policy Impact Evaluation Framework

To develop a field-specific framework for evaluating the impact of policies, considering the unique socio-cultural and economic contexts of different communities. - To incorporate community feedback in the ongoing evaluation process, adapting the framework to address emerging issues and concerns.

Public Engagement Platforms

To create localized public engagement platforms, utilizing vernacular languages and culturally sensitive communication strategies. - To leverage community radio, social media, and other channels to facilitate twoway communication, allowing communities to actively participate in shaping political and policy discourse.