All too often people in this country feel that if you put in and contribute, you get less than your fair share. We all support a welfare state, but it has to ensure that those who look after themselves and families are rewarded not penalised, and this is at the heart of our welfare work.



Comprehensive Political Analysis

o conduct in-depth and comprehensive analyses of political landscapes at local, national, and international levels, with a particular emphasis on grassroots and community-level dynamics. - To identify and understand key political trends, dynamics, and emerging issues that directly impact communities and influence policy development.

Policy Impact Assessment

To assess the impact of political decisions and developments on policy formulation and implementation at the field level. - To engage with communities to gather firsthand perspectives on the effectiveness and consequences of various policy initiatives in the context of their specific needs and challenges.

Interdisciplinary Research

To foster interdisciplinary research collaborations that involve local communities, incorporating their insights into the analysis of political and policy issues. - To promote a holistic understanding of the multifaceted factors influencing political landscapes and policy outcomes, taking into account the unique characteristics of different regions.

Policy Advocacy and Reform

To actively engage in field-level policy advocacy by collaborating with local stakeholders and community leaders. - To work towards promoting policies that address the specific needs and aspirations of diverse communities, fostering inclusivity and social equity.

Public Engagement and Education

To organize community-based events, town hall meetings, and educational programs aimed at raising public awareness and understanding of political and policy issues. - To empower local communities with knowledge and tools to actively participate in the policy-making process.

International Comparative Studies

To conduct comparative studies on political systems and policies, with a focus on understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by communities in different countries and regions. - To facilitate cross-cultural exchange and learning, allowing communities to share insights and solutions to common issues.